Monday, 16 January 2012

Bort: Better Skeleton Applications

We’re all familiar with the rails command-line tool. It generates a Rails skeleton application with everything you need to start your Rails application–directories, configuration, even a default index page.
But the more you develop Rails applications, the more you begin to realize that some tools and gems are valuable on every project. Need a user management system? Likely restful_authentication. Rails pagination slow? Grab will_paginate. Even things like setting sessions to use the database, or using MySQL instead of sqlite3 as your database.

Enter bort. Bort is a replacement of the standard skeleton application; it includes these features (and more), already setup and configurated to work out-of-the-box. And it is a bigger box–it includes:
  • RESTful Authentication, for a RESTful user-management system (registering users, logging in, etc.). Even includes the forgotten password feature!
  • User Roles, to make your application users easier to manage; includes a default admin role and an admin user.
  • Will Paginate, an efficient, pretty pagination plugin. Beats the standard Rails pagination by ages!
  • OpenID integration, in case you want to support OpenID with your users.
  • Rspec, a better way to write tests.
  • Exception Notifier, to email you when your application hiccups.
  • Asset Packager, which combines javascript and CSS to save download time.
  • Database Sessions, MySQL DB YAML, an application-wide layout file, and no default index.html and rails.png, all of which make your life a little easier.
This is a big step up from your standard Rails skeleton. Best of all, if you don’t use half of this stuff, it won’t affect you much; and it’ll be there when you need it.

You can Grab bort from the GitHub page,

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